Sunday, August 9, 2009

Plied Outcomes....

This is the plied outcome of this....

I loved the colors in the batts - another amazing color palette from Sugarbee Studios. This was the March fiber from her club.

I loved the plies.

I was not sure whether I wanted to barber pole it or Navajo ply it. Sugarbee plied it up barpole style for me (which I appreciate!!!) but part of me is thinking to unply it and redo the singles Navajo style. I don't think the final product captures the amazing color progression I worked hard for when preparing the batts.

This was the first fiber I really planned out. My planning worked right up until the plying. I just think the plied yarn really takes away from the singles. I am thinking to Navajo ply the long color block singles and the heathery singles separately and then use them that way.

I still have one more singles of long color blocks and two singles of the heathered style. These may be Navajo plied.

My one concern about the Navajo plied end product with these singles is there will be long blocks/stripes of the various colors and that is not necessarily a look I want. Maybe I will swatch up the plied fiber as is and see how it looks....

I shall keep you updated!

ON THE NEEDLES: Circle Socks and Hanami
ON THE BOOKSHELF: How to Murder a Millionaire
ON THE iPOD: Stitch It!
ON THE TABLE: Highly processed crap that I am too embarassed to list....


  1. I thinki it looks great! I would love to learn to make a batt like that! The colors are gorgeous!
