Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Want to know how *I* know the economy is jacked up?

Look at that grocery bill: $475.

This is just for 2 weeks.

ON THE NEEDLES: Hanami and the Circle Socks
ON THE BOOKSHELF: An Ice Cold Grave by Harris
ON THE iPod: My custom walking mix of Tool, Kings of Leon and Boston
ON THE TABLE: Pizza for the family, pizza salad for the low carber in me.


  1. Well if you devide it by two it's not horribly huge. I may be biased however since groceries are really expensive here.

  2. Oy. Yup. It's definitely starting to show in the groceries. It helps that we get a lot of ours at the farmer's market, but it still adds up. And let's not even talk about pet food!

  3. Sorry, I meant divide :)

  4. The sad thing is you'll probably have to pick up a thing or two in the next 2 weeks too! I remember that I used to shop once a month - I couldn't handle the sticker shock now!

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